Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

Brief Narrative:
The research process for this type of paper was a bit unconventional. I had to go through resources that weren't scholarship in the beginning--the possible Fanfiction to be found related to Shakespeare, the people writing and reading it--to ensure that my idea was even around. Once I DID find sources that proved adequate, I had to go about finding a thesis about adaptations and Fanfiction. Once I had a general idea of what kind of argument I wanted to make, I turned to old professors and teachers to help me build the scholarship I needed. The final step was actually deciding what textual analysis I wanted to work with, which all depended on the type of Fanfiction I found.

Working Thesis Statement:
While professional adaptations of the Bard's works prove to be a great asset in teaching and analyzing Shakespeare, the true creative interpretations belong to the novice writers. It is they who will truly continue bringing a fresh outlook on William Shakespeare, using such diverse literary tools as fanfiction to achieve their means.

Annotated Sources:
  • "Recent Shakespeare Adaptation and the Mutation of Cultural Capital"
    • Lanier, Douglas. "Recent Shakespeare Adaptation and the Mutations of Cultural Capital." Shakespeare Studies 38 (2010): 104-13. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. 
    • The different methods used to adapt Shakespeare in film, especially from the nineties=a "rhizome"; adapting Shakespeare through graphic novels, focusing more on the visual than the textual. This will be a method of comparing professional film adaptations to the novice method found in Fanfiction. Found while searching the MLA International Bibliography site through personal research.
  • "Not Not Shakespeare: Directorial Adaptation, Authorship, and Ownership"
    • Mazer, Cary M. "Not Not Shakespeare: Directorial Adaptation, Authorship, and Ownership." Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism and Scholarship 23.3 (2005): 23-42. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 29 Feb. 2012.
    • Questions the idea that adaptations of vast portions of Shakespeare no longer make it Shakespeare; uses the example of Shakespeare's R&J to explain the possible changes made to Shakespeare that would make it both the Bard's and the adapter's. The article will help prove the point that adaptation can be done by anyone, extending ownership beyond the boundaries of just Shakespeare. The resource was suggested to my by a former professor in Arizona, who is an expert on Shakespeare adaptation. He then led me to Proquest. 
  • "The Real Thing? Adaptations, Transformations, and Burlesques of Shakespeare, Historic and Post-Modern"
    • Draudt, Manfred. "The Real Thing? Adaptations, Transformations and Burlesques of Shakespeare, Historic and Post-Modern." Ilha do Desterro: A Journal of Language and Literature 49 (2005): 289-314. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 29 Feb. 2012.
    • Looking at the "burlesque" adaptation style found with Shakespeare productions; demonstrate the "blurring" of high and low in the representation of Shakespeare. A valid source that, based on the definition and explanation found within the article, proves that the 'low' variation of Shakespeare found within Fanfiction still stands as an adaptive style. This resource was also suggested to me by my former professor and found on Proquest.
  • "Teens, Shakespeare, and the Dumbing Down Cliche: the Case of The Animated Tales"
    • Colón Semenza, Gregory,M. "Teens, Shakespeare, and the Dumbing Down Cliché: The Case of the Animated Tales."Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism and Scholarship 26.2 (2008): 37-68. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 29 Feb. 2012.
    • Suggests that the animated series is an adequate, insightful adaptation that educates and enlightens children and teens about works of Shakespeare rather than diminishing the Bard's work. It is relevant to the paper, because it is another piece of proof showing--by way of the animated series--that Shakespeare can be adapted to any level of literacy and still retain understanding. The source was found by way of a contact on Fanfiction, who'd been intriqued enough about a research paper involving fanfics to devote their own energies toward looking into the subject. They then provided the link to the article for me. 

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